Only 15% are fully engaged at work – Why so low Passionindex?
One big reason is that the matching between the personality and the job & culture is bad. When the matching is good, then the job will be almost as a hobby;-)
Many companies use questionnaires in order to check how engaged the personnel are. However, most of these questionnaires don’t measure how good the match is between the personality and the job & culture. We can measure that. Moreover, we can identify individually more precise, where the misfit is. Then it is easier to figure out how to act in the best way. We call the measurement – Passionindex.
When you improve the Passionindex, then the company's personnel turnover decreases. That is important, because there is a growing lack of candidates today of demographic reasons.
People with high Passionindex will get a better life. More success and happiness! Most companies use personality tests only in order to assess candidates, when they are recruiting. That is easy to understand, because every time you make a bad recruitment, then it is very costly. You also loose time, before someone is doing the job with good performance. Why not also use the result from the personality test in order to develop every employee to his or her full potential – to get a high Passionindex… Then you can use the HumanGuide concepts… We offer many concepts in order to support good development…
You can learn more about how to use the concepts in the following development areas
- Individual – by increasing your self-knowledge, then you have easier to get a good personal development…
- Team – by better understanding of other people, then you have easier to cooperate…
- Leader – by a useful “toolbox” for people, then it is easier to be a good leader…
- Company or organisation – by better recruitment and care of your trademark, then you decrease hiring mistakes and strengthen your trademark…
- Private life – by e.g. choosing a good life partner and caring of the relation with the life partner, family, friends, etc, then you get a better life…
Click on the relevant picture above in order to get more information…
This website is based on gathered knowledge and experience for our five service areas during many years – especially by Rolf Kenmo, who started to develop the HumanGuide concepts 1986. He is now (2022) 75 years, but he prefers to say 7.5 Rolf, because he is a curious guy and like to improve at least something every day. So he likes to walk his talk – consistent with his book “Let the Personality Bloom”, which supports personal development based on the concepts. Rolf is a passionaire. And you?
The style on the website should match our value words
- Trademark = Simple, Versatile and Solid
- Company culture = Respect, Smart and Sustainable
We hope that you find what you search for here on the website. Hopefully more that you have expected. We especially recommend the knowledge under the tab “Free knowledge”.
The core of the HumanGuide concepts is a personality test, which is today available in 15 languages – from Swedish to Chinese;-) The test is today most used in Brazil – more than 500,000 tests are done since 2010. The test was also the first of its kind (internet and forced-choice) to be approved in Brazil (SATEPSI 2009). There have been many validation studies in Brazil. All with very good psychometric performance. The last validation study for the test was done in 2016 based on 110,000 tests.
Why then choose the HumanGuide concepts? E.g. based on the following strengths
- They are built on a theory with eight basic dimensions instead of e.g. four for DISC (and similar) or five for all tests, which are built on the Five Factor Model. Eight dimensions give much more nuances
- We can also offer a lot of supportive materials and tools for each concept, i.e. we don’t have only a test to offer…
- We have a lot of unique and very modern supportive tools e.g. three web apps. With one of the apps you can also calculate your Passionindex…
The founder of the HumanGuide concepts, Rolf Kenmo, has a very high Passionindex for developing the use of the concepts. Why? Look at his PersonProfile below. It is in appformat, i.e. possible to have access to for him with the webapp, where he also can find personality knowledge.
In order to easier find a job, which gives a high passionindex, we have created the word – jackpot-activity, i.e. "What do you principally do, when you use all your strength together?" In Rolf’s case he had chosen this wording: "Complex problemsolving with a good purpose for the society". Any proof that the concept works? Yes, because he could be retired, but he isn’t! He has chosen to be a passionaire instead of being a pensioner;-)
How high is your Passionindex for your job and the organisation culture? If you like to increase your index, then you can start via the links below to get a rough insight about your personality á la HumanGuide …
The HumanGuide® concepts...
The core of the HumanGuide Concepts is a personality test, which is now available in 15 languages. Many do personality tests, but they seldom use insights from these personality tests every week... They do a test and after a while is the test result forgotten. Sometimes later a new test is done and also this is forgotten. Etc. Most users of the HumanGuide®concepts use the insights from the tests every week. Every week! E.g.
- I need to remember, when I cooperate with X that he is very low on Structure
- In this team it is important that I contribute with ideas, because most of the members are so risk-focused. However, don’t come with ideas too often…
- When I cooperate with X and Y, then I need to act as a bridge, because of their very different personalities, so there will be no unnecessary conflicts
- I need to figure out how to handle these routine tasks, because my Stability factor is very low
- Etc.
Therefore, they cooperate better with other people. Their recruitment and staffing works better. Etc...
The private life is also better! Our users choose a more suitable lifepartner and therefore they have a good cooperation with their lifepartner. They have also chosen more suitable hobbies.
Here you have a short presentation of the HumanGuide concepts (video 2 min).
We have also developed HumanGuide tools e.g. webapps as and The second app is used together with a deck of cards, i.e. the personality test in deck of cards format. Then we also have developed the template StrengthsStrategy, where you can fill in your test result and how you use your strengths in the best way. The StrengthsStrategy you can have great use of in your whole life!
The HumanGuide concepts core is a personality test. More about the symbolic colours for the eight dimensions in the personality theory (4 min) - Developed by our partners in Brazil. Here you have a version with text in Portuguese click here!
The test can be done via internet and takes about 15 min.
On this page you can learn more about the eight basic dimensions in the personality theory Eight boxes.
Did you get any useful idea? Will you act?
”Rolf Kenmo has adapted Szondi’s theory to everyday life. It is a great idea of conveying the theory to a broad use. That is an essential asset for making the test results immediately accepted and it works in any culture. We use HumanGuide in recruiting and team development for an internationally operating company.”
Thomas Seiler, CEO, U-blox AG, Switzerland (2003)
”The theory is explained very pedagogically in the HumanGuide concepts and it is a good support for my clients (since 2002), in vocational guidance and in coaching. HumanGuide supports well in working life as well as in private life.”
Giselle Welter, psychologist, spec. in vocational guidance, RH99, Sao Paulo, Brazil (2000)
"Personality has always been a debatable topic throughout research and countless psychometric tests available for use. However none of these tests have the HumanGuide approach, which is practical, simple, easy to use and accurate to act upon. Supported by extensive research, HumanGuide takes in consideration eight factors, using the psychology of colours and symbols for meaningful comprehension.
The HumanGuide test does not stand alone, it goes beyond any other test. It provides unique opportunities to measure further person chemistry, passion index, job and culture profiles...It has all what an organisation needs to overcome today's more than ever complex human resources challenges.
HumanGuide has considerably improved my personal and professional life and I always appreciate our collaboration with Rolf Kenmo."
George Ubbelohde, hospitality Industry Executive and Educator, Brussels, Belgium (2020)
”The tests are simple and easy to use. The availability via the internet make them excellent. I have had great use of the concepts for recruitment, development of individuals and teams.”
Sven-Erik Ringström; VD WM-data IT Support AB, now CGI AB, Sweden; (2003)
"I've been using the HumanGuide since 2012, with excellent results! It has been an assessment tool much requested by my organizational clients."
Adriana Torres Guedes, Psychologist, Brazil (2020-02-10)
"I hire probably the wrong yellow people". She used DISC's four dimensions. DISC's yellow dimension is represented by three dimensions with the HumanGuide. The colurs in HumanGuide are: Orange, grey, green, violett, blue, yellow, brown and red, i.e. Then the test result will be much more nuanced. Above on this page there is a video with the symbolics for the eight colours.
Manager for a restaurant chain, Sweden (2018-03-02)
"For eight years I had a personal meeting about my PersonProfile á la HumanGuide. I have done many other personality tests cince then, but my opinion about this "method" is that it was fascinating and the most accurate. The PersonProfile is still pinned up at work"
IT manager, Sweden (2018-04-19)
"As a consultant I have done many personality tests. The results made me feel confirmed, but I didn't get any answer: Why I didn't was happy to 100%? This autumn I did the HumanGuide-test, which only took 15 min to do. It explained for me, where I had most motivation and because of then easiest to be my best version. So now I know!"
Nuclear engineer, Sweden (2018-03-27)
The testimonial below is about the concepts and the developer of the concepts Rolf Kenmo's profile on Linkedin