Why is this important? Well, good collaboration requires trust. In fact, a Harvard study identifies what characterises the most profitable companies. Long-term relationships. Long-term relationships with customers, employees, suppliers, and partners of various kinds.
In that study, it is stated that there are actually only two things you have to prioritise the most. What are they? Well, trust and commitment, i.e. showing with your commitment that you want to help others.
If you recruit wrong, it creates a stream of problems...
In the bestseller book Good to Great by Jim Collins are decribed eleven successful companies in the USA. The companies have passed the criterion from Jim's research, during five years, to be the best in their industry for at least fifteen years, ie not due to "luck". There are some common denominators in why they have succeeded. One is that they are very careful about their recruitment. They even recruit no one, when they feel an insecurity, but can't put their finger on why…
Steve Jobs is said to have said: The first ten people who are employed in a company determine whether it will be a successful company or not...
On the website, under the Free knowledge tab and the For Leaders link, you can download a summary of Jim Collins' four books...